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執行力 Executive ability
決勝未來知道(dào)The way to win in future
l 我們真的很努力去做,努力讓騎鷹接近完美。
l We really work very hard to make GREPTON closer to be perfect.
志在信念 Aiming at persistence
騎鷹 四定定位全系列,卓越品質一脈相承。源至嚴謹的制造開(kāi)發(fā)信念,不斷 堅持尋求突破,以精湛的技術極緻穩定的性能(néng)成(chéng)就 騎鷹 品質。
With the excellent quality, the GREPTON full range of four-wheel alignment is rooting
From the strict manufacturing and develop me technical not belief; continuously adhering to seek
New breakthrough and the superb stability have achieved the GREPTON quality
(乾道(dào)元亨 坤成(chéng)大勢)
Continuous changes build marvelous improvements
見證 Witness
We can only touch you with facts